July 27-29, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 “In retrospect, what a reckless adventure our expedition to Alaska appears to have been!” So wrote American artist Rockwell Kent nearly forty years after his adventure ended. This month marks the 100th anniversary of Kent’s journey to Alaska with his 8-year-old son and their stay on Fox Island in Resurrection Bay about 12 miles south of the town of Seward. He told the story with the publication of Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska in 1920, considered an Alaska classic. But he didn’t tell us everything. The adventure wasn’t as “quiet” as he made it out to be. I’ll get into some of that because… I’ll be following Kent’s journey week by week, maybe day by day, looking back upon it from 100 years later. Some reading this may know about Rockwell Kent. A few may be ardent fans. Others may know about me and my 40-year quest to learn more about this artist and his Alaska trips -- his ...