ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Mid to Late September 2018 As I write this on Sept. 14, 2018 – on this day 100 years ago Rockwell and Rockie are tired of the rain. In Seward today, we’re experiencing perhaps the last day of weeks of sunny weather and temperatures in the high 60's and mid-70’s. All that is supposed change tomorrow with rain and more normal temperatures for this time of year We’ll see. It’s been a delightful run, but from experience we know that October can bring rains with flooding and/or snow. Meanwhile, this week a 100 years ago, Kent and Rockie are working hard on Fox Island to clear the land, make the goat shed livable, and gather a winter wood supply. They’ve made occasional trips back to Seward in their small dory for supplies. Since leaving New York nearly a month and a half ago, Kent has written and mailed many letters but he has received few. The artist hasn’t started painting, ...