August 20-21, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 "There are more types of pretty girls in America than in any other country in the world. I don't offer this as a piece of news...But I doubt if anyone has had a more striking proof of this fact than I have, for as manager of two musical shows, I get a demonstration of it almost every day of the year...the question of beauty is a very complex one, especially when it comes to choosing girls for a musical show. A pretty face is the first essential; there are very few parts for a girl who hasn't also a good figure, and who cannot dance, or at least carry herself gracefully...{but} a girl must have something besides beauty, if she is to create more than a passing impression." -- Florence Ziegfeld, Jr. "Picking Out Pretty Girls for the Stage," American Magazine, 88 (Dec., 1919) Technology is advancing so rapidly today – and we have acclimated to it so quickly -- that...