
Showing posts from December 20, 2019


ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 ROCKWELL KENT'S FOX ISLAND CHRISTMAS Dec. 20,   2019 ABOVE and  BELOW -- Along the Gulf Coast of Alaska we've had unusually warm weather the last few months. In Seward as of today -- Dec. 20, 2019 -- we've had only two inches of snow, and that lasted only a few days. We have had much rain. This week it stared cooling down and clearing up with open skies and lots of sun -- as brief as that is. We are now approaching the shortest day of the year. I took these two photos this week. In the photo above, the sun rises yesterday -- Thursday, Dec. 19 at 10:29 a.m. I'm facing south east. The sun is rising behind Fox Island, and Rockwell wouldn't have seen it until later in the day. But on a day like that -- which they did have this time of year back in 1918 -- the two would have noted the glow on the mountains to the west, which Kent recorded in some of his paintings...