ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Late Oct. 23-27, 2018 We’ve been having flooding rains and strong winds this October 2018 – a series of storms with a day or two of decent weather in between. Monday, Oct. 22 was a beautifully sunny day in Seward after days of rain. On Tuesday the 23 nd another storm hit but it began to fade the next day. Thursday the 25 began with some sun and blue sky, but by mid-afternoon another storm was on the way. Continual rain like this gets to many of us along this coast of Alaska. I can see Kent’s depressed mood getting worse with the rain, then rising to exuberance on those few fine days in between storms. By this time in 1918 the rains had left and the snow and cold temperatures had arrived. “How does the winter suite you?” Olson asks Kent. The old Swede looks cold this morning, Oct. 23, 1918, yet Kent estimates it’s only 25 degrees. Olson calls it a typical winter day. “I suspect f...