NOVEMBER 30 -- DECEMBER 5, 2018 Part 2

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Nov. 30 -- Dec. 5, 2018 Part 2 Rockwell Kent often called Fox Island his Northern Paradise. And it was. In these writings I don’t want to dismiss that important aspect of his Alaska adventure. He never called it his Northern Crucible – but it was that, too. He had never been so isolated from family and friends, unable to have any direct control or influence over “the remnants of your family,” as his wife Kathleen sometimes wrote in letters referring to herself and their three daughters. Kent had never been so stuck, unable to travel at will a mere twelve miles. He enjoyed the pioneering – clearing land, felling trees, cutting up firewood, fixing the cabin – but it took more time away from his art than he had expected. But they had to survive in this wild and wonderful place. And the rain, the dark and the storms – the awesome, sublime wild – all that enthralled him but also h...