ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 March 6-10, 1919 plus “Pets and Paradise” ABOVE – A photo taken in early March 2019 by Jim Pfeiffenberger titled “Fjord Morning.” Kent admired and painted the alpine glow on the mountains across the bay to the west as the sun rose above the mountains behind his Fox Island cabin. At sunrise on Thursday, March 6 th , Kent and Rockie bathe naked in the bay during a low tide. It was so low that Kent ran “dry shod” all around the north headland of the bay – a trip Olson thought couldn’t be done. Returning, they take Olson’s boat, Rockie rowing, to the point Kent visited. He brings with him his entire painting outfit. Rockie thrusts the dory's bow onto the beach. “Rockwell in jumping ashore timed it badly, slipped, and fell full length into the surf on the ground swell, the dory almost riding over him. I roared with laughter – to his great fury.,” Kent writes. (That expe...