ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 HAPPY SEWARD, ALASKA SOLSTICE Dec. 21, 2019 ABOVE -- Photo by Tessa Adelmann, taken this week on the shortest day of the year. The sun sets along Resurrection Bay at Seward, Alaska. Fox Island is at far upper left in the distance. BELOW -- Photo by Jim Pfeiffenberger. Seward Street Scene, taken this week. Looking north up Fifth Avenue from the edge of Resurrection Bay. The second house up on the left is the restored Cable House, built in 1905, where Rockwell Kent sent and received the wires he sent to and received from his wife, Kathleen. BELOW -- Some of my photos taken on Dec. 21, 2019 between 1:27 and 1:55 p.m. from Seward-- accompanied by some of Rockwell Kent's paintings of the sun taken from Fox Island. BELOW -- Pioneers or Into the Sun 1919 BELOW -- Sunglare 1918-19