August 28, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 August 28, 2018 "The wilderness hath charms. To go to it is to return to the primitive, the elemental. It is reached by the trail, the oldest thoroughfare of man. The trail breathes out the spirit of romance...The wilderness still exists...Away off, far from the haunts of man, you pitch your camp by some cool spring...Dull business routine, the fierce passions of the market place, the perils of envious cities become but a memory...At first you are appalled by the immensity of the wilderness...Almost imperceptibly a sensation of serenity begins to take possession of you...Your blood clarifies; your brain becomes active. You get a new view of life. You acquire the ability to single out the things worth while. Your judgment becomes keener...You learn how simple life is when reduced to its elements. The complexity of the life you have left behind becomes apparent. Slowly you become like the land yo...