ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 Part 4 – Wilderness & the Alaska Paintings: The Reviews Aug. 13-16, 2019 ABOVE – Seward, Alaska – Small Boat Harbor at about 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug.7, 2019 – as the sun rises above Mount Alice. BELOW – View looking south from the ruins of the Kent Cabin on Fox Island. Capra photos, taken on Aug. 7, 2019 I finished {Anada K.} Coomaraswamy’s “Indian Essays” to-day, an illuminating and inspiring book. Coomaraswamy defines mysticism as a belief in the unity of life. The creed of an artist concerns us only when we mean by it the tendency of his spirit. (How hard it is to speak of these intangible things and not use words loosely and without exact meaning) I think whatever of the mystic is in a man is essentially inseparable from him; it is his by the grace of God. After all, the qualities by which all of us become known are those of which we are oursel...