NOVEMBER 30 -- DECEMBER 4, 2018 Part 3

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 2018 Part 3 Kent’s visit to Seward between Nov. 30 th and Dec. 4 th represents a turning point for him in many ways – both positive and negative. During the last three months he’s met many in Seward. Gradually they’ve gotten to know him, and by the December trip some acquaintances turn to friendships. Rockie makes many friends, too. They now stay at private homes and get dinner invitations, saving them money. They become close to the Don Carlos Brownell family, and stay at his home with its “great fireplace…and fine phonograph.” In 1918 the house sits by the mountain edge on the southwest bank of Lowell Creek. As a favor, Kent sets a door frame for Brownell. In later years, Kent maintaines this friendship with a correspondence. Many now provide the artist inside advice about what and where to paint. He renews his friendship with Postmaster Root and his family....