ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 Part I – More Thoughts Oct. 23-26, 2019 ABOVE – Rockwell Kent at about age five, the year his father died. Archives of American Art, Kent Collection. BELOW – Top left to right – Rockwell as a child; Aunt Josie Banker; Rockwell’s father, George Rockwell Kent, with his silver flute. Bottom left to right – Rockwell, left, and brother Douglas with their mother, Sara Kent at Tarrytown, N.Y., June 1885; young Rockwell; Auntie Jo, Rockwell’s mother’s sister. Photos from Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of his Work edited, with an introduction by Fridolf Johnson (1982) If you love a woman, marry her. If you like a painting, buy it…Do not read too much criticism on art. At the beginning it is apt to paralyze thought…Go directly to the work of art and face it alone. Do not remember anything anybody has said about it… And when you look at a picture be sure you do not search t...