ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 April 9, 2019 Part 2 of 3 – The Final Alaska Letters ABOVE – Fox Island Scene from the site of the Kent cabin ruins. I took this photo back in 1996. Within a year or two the twisted snags had disappeared. It always reminded me of Rockwell Kent’s painting below. The fierce north wind during winter in Resurrection Bay whips up the salt spray which shapes and structures the landscape, wears it down, and changes it radically year to year. Capra photo. BELOW – Tierra del Fuego, Admiralty Gulf 1922-23 by Rockwell Kent. On Feb. 25, 1919 Rockwell to Kathleen: I love you ever ever so dearly and you must be a very happy girl till I get home and need no one else to keep you good. That “no one else” refers specifically to his friend, George Chappell who has been looking out for Rockwell’s family, ironically at the artist’s request. Indeed, the artist has asked George to lo...