Part 1 - Some Thoughts for February

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 Part 1 -- Some Thoughts for February ABOVE – Resurrection Bay taken on Feb. 9, 2018 from the Lost Lake Trail north of Seward. You can clearly see Caines Head, Fox Island, and Hive Island blending into Rugged Island. Photo by Jim Pfeiffenberger. BELOW -- The sun rises above the Resurrection Peninsula at 10:45 a.m. today, Tuesday, February 12, 2018. Capra photo. When I started this project I knew I would be focusing on what I’ve called the “Not-So-Quiet” adventure, Kent’s fractured love life and personal demons -- the flip side of what he calls in the subtitle of Wilderness , the “Quiet Adventure.” I didn’t realize how much I would begin to reframe the entire story as I got deep into the letters. In this entry I’d like to summarize some of my thoughts. I’m still trying to frame this narrative within the context of its many parts. The story is complex. Kent was...