OCTOBER 7-8, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 October 7-8, 2018 This day 100 years ago on Oct. 7 1918, Rockwell Kent wrote: “Yesterday I wrote nothing in the diary – there was nothing to write but that it rained. “Rained like Hell” Olson’s journal doubtless reads, -- and ditto for to-day.” Those who have lived in Seward long enough will tell you that periods of constant rain can really get you down. And that what we often get this time of year. That’s why we were pleasantly surprised to have a sunny September with temperatures as high as the mid-70’s. The cross squalls were terrible on Fox Island 100 years ago today – coming from all directions. The surface of Kent’s cove seethed with what Olson called the “wullys” – where a circular gust of wind creates a small cyclone of spray that travels across the water. The winds were so bad that they had to lash their boats down. As local mariner Jim Barkley notes from his experience ...