ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 March 18, 1919 FAREWELL TO FOX ISLAND ABOVE – Kent and Rockie leave Fox Island 100 years ago today – March 18, 1919. We must keep in mind that, although technically spring arrives on March 21 st , that is not the situation in Alaska. If we’re lucky along the South Central coast, we can see real spring arrive at the end of April. More likely, it’s closer to mid to late May. You may recall seeing some of the beautiful photographs on this page by my friend and fellow Kenai Fjords National Park ranger, Jim Phfeiffenberger. Yesterday he posted the above image on his Facebook page and wrote: “Ughhh. After what had been a pretty good winter for getting out and about, we’ve been stuck in warm, low pressure blechhh for the past week with no relief in the forecast. This, too, shall pass, but it’s amazing what a trial the seemingless endless skies and rain can be for the spirit.” As t...