ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 France, Letters & Frances Lee Dec. 2-5, 2019 ABOVE photo by CJ Rea. BELOW photo by Marianna Keil. These are the kind of sunrises Rockwell Kent may have seen occasionally at Resurrection Bay this time of year. At this latitude, the light changes rapidly, so scenes like this don’t last. Other artists who have painted Alaska have voiced their frustrations regarding how difficult it is to catch and reproduce light like this. Kathleen and the children leave for France in November of 1923, not long after Kent returns from his Tierra del Fuego adventure. It’s important to note that, after Kent returned from Alaska in April 1919, he was with his family much of the time, a least through the winter of 1920. Still, he’s busy with his Alaska book, the paintings and the New York exhibit. Then Kathleen and the children are away at school and later in Western Massachusetts with he...