August 25-27 Part I

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 August 25-27, 2018 – Part I On Friday, August 24, 2018, I ventured to Fox Island with a film crew for a project about Fox Island, Kent and this centennial year. At the end of the text, just before the photos, you’ll find a link to a video of some drone shots we took. I was up early and when I looked out my door, Seward was shrouded in a dense fog. The weather this August has been rainy with only a few decent days. We had to cancel shoot once while waiting for a better window. Today was supposed to be it. The forecast, however, said the fog would clear and we’d have a fine day. The producer/director Eric Downs and his sound-man, cinematographer, Josiah Martin arrived in Seward early to catch a sunrise. Instead they did get some eerie footage of the fog. We left for fox Island at 8:30 aboard the Alaskan Explorer, courtesy of Kenai Fjords Tours. They dropped us off at Fox Island then continued on the N...