ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 October18, 2018 In the Hebrew Bible a rainbow came after the Great Flood as a promise. The last several days has brought heavy rains and flooding to Seward. Fierce squalls sweep in off the North Pacific Gulf of Alaska followed by interludes of partial clearing and even a little sun. That's when the rainbows appear. Today was one of those days. Rain is not uncommon in September and October here, but it's only every several years that we have severe floods. As I wrote in an earlier entry, in mid-September Kent describes these storms on Fox Island. The tempest had ended and the sun came out briefly by the time he and Rockie rowed to Seward on Sept. 18th. He may have seen a rainbow that day. If not, he saw plenty of them that fall of 1918. It's no accident that the dust jacket of the 1920 edition of Wilderness has a rainbow on it. Beneath all t...