NOVEMBER 14 - 16, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Nov. 14-15, 2018 Nov. 14, 1918 – Fox Island, Resurrection Bay, Alaska – Rockwell Kent in his journal: “This night Rockwell and I skated for the third time. Ah, but it was glorious on the lake, the moon high above us in a cloudless sky, the snow and ice on the mountain sides glistening and the spruces black. We skated together hand in hand like sweethearts; going far to one end of the lake in the teeth of the wind and returning before it like full-rigged ships.” A hundred years later it isn’t quite as cold, but the evening skies are clear and there is a Rockwell Kent moon above Resurrection Bay. Kent and Rocky have packed and are waiting for a window to make the trip to Seward. Kent has learned his lesson about making that crossing in his 18-foot dory with its heavy keel and its finicky 3.5 horse-power Evinrude motor. Although packed and ready, he now realizes that he’s ho...