APRIL 30, 2018 - How does one incorporate all this into a coherent narrative?

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 April 30, 2019 ABOVE -- A German edition of Wilderness: A Journal of quiet Adventure in Alaska. A few months back a professor in China contacted me. He has been translating Rockwell Kent's Wilderness into Chinese. He gave me a list of questions he had regarding certain idioms and phrases. He was especially baffled by some of Lars Olson's diary entries. I provided answers, gave him the address of this website, and sent him several photos I've taken of various Fox Island scenes. BELOW -- Looking south from the ruins of the Kent cabin on Fox Island. Capra photo Wilderness has been translated into several languages. Perhaps soon we'll have a Chinese edition. I notice many readers on this website from various countries around the world. If there's a translation of Wilderness available in your language, please ...