MARCH 19 - 24, 1919

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018-19 March 19-24, 1919 ABOVE – The front page of The Alaska Weekly Post , the Weekly Edition of The Seward Gateway for March 22, 1919. Kent and Rockie are in Seward on this day preparing to leave Alaska later in the month. Kent and Rockie leave Fox Island for good and arrive in Seward on Tuesday, March 18, 1919. We have little record of precisely what they do there between their arrival and departure on March 29 th . In at least one letter to Kathleen, Kent mentions his disappointment that leaving early will prevent him from taking a free trip on the new railroad. Kathleen writes back that he should make sure he does that trip before he leaves, especially for Rockie’s sake. The boy loves trains, and must have been delighted with the rail trip across country in July 1918. In a March 4, 1919 letter to Rockwell, Kathleen writes: “ This afternoon I went up town to do an errand…I b...