NOVEMBER 23-24, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Nov. 23-24, 2018 The following promotion appeared in Seward Gateways during November 1918 Nov. 23, 1918 – Fox Island – Resurrection Bay, Alaska – 12 Miles South of Seward. Rainy but calm. Kent and Rockie are up early. They eat a quick breakfast hoping to get off to Seward morning. But within an hour as the tide turns, “the northwest wind whips down from the mountains and the rain falls in torrents.” The two fell a tree and start breaking it down for firewood. Kent paints some but the dismal darkness within the cabin makes it difficult. He works mostly in black and white. “Rockwell has been industrious as usual, drawing at my side,” he writes. Kent is angry, frustrated and anxious about not being able to get to Seward to send off...