JANUARY 21-24 PART I: ROCKWELL KENT 1928-1935 - January 20, 2020 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2019 Victoria Hutson Huntley – Full Story Feb. 5- 8, 2020 ABOVE – Victoria Ebbels Hutson Huntley (1900-1971) working with one of her lithography stones. Photo from the Huntley papers online from the Archives of American Art. SOURCE Once I began the series about Victoria Hutson Huntley, I strayed from her story. I’ve decided to do an entire entry from start to finish entirely about her without the side trips. The old entries will remain on the website for now. The first part of what’s below is a repeat, but I have done some rewrites and made some additions. The last part is new material. I present this story for two reason: First, to show a different side of Rockwell Kent, the more kind and generous person. Second, to give some notice to one of the struggling female artists of the period. THAT DELIGHTFUL MOOD OF YOUTH …to conquer heat, to cut ...