NOTE FOR READERS -- June 10, 2019

ABOVE -- Sketch from a Dec. 19, 1918 letter from Rockwell to Kathleen. Here he shows how small the Whitehead headland on Monhegan Island is as compared to the northern headland of his Fox Island cove. NOTE TO READERS Since what is online here is a draft of my book, as I rewrite I'm rewriting online. For example, I have done some major revisions to Part 3 of the Vermont series and to other posts. When I finish the draft this summer, I'll print it all out and begin the pruning and editing process to turn this into a book. So -- if there are certain posts or series you have enjoyed, you might want to go back and at least skim them to see if I've added more text and illustrations. Within the next day or two I will post Part 4 of the Vermont series. Please feel free to make comments about any entry on the blogspot or Facebook page. I have followers from all over the world -- so if you don't write in English -- feel free to make a comment in your own lang...