August 4 and 5, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 “Above every other thought now is the sad realization that our days on this beloved Island are nearing an end. What is it that endears it so to a man nearly forty and a little boy of nine? We have such widely different outlooks upon life. It may be that Alaska stands midway between us, and that I, turning backward from the crowded world that I have known and learned to fear, meet Rockwell in his forward march from nothing – to this…It seems that we have both together by chance turned out of the beaten, crowded way and come to stand face to face with that infinite and unfathomable thing which is the wilderness; and here we have found OURSELVES – for the wilderness is nothing else.” Rockwell Kent in “Wilderness” for Wednesday, February 19, 1919. The above quote contains the title of my book-in-progress. While the artist and his son are heading toward Vancouver, British Columbia on the Canadian Pacif...