ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Early to Mid-September 2018 I’m writing this on Sept. 8, 2018. We’ve had late summer weather during the last two weeks – temperatures in the high 60’s and up to 70 degrees -- with only a few cloudy days and hardly any rain. That wasn’t the case back in 1918. After that magic August 25 th day when Kent met Olson and discovered Fox Island, it started raining and storming. That September Lowell Creek – which flowed down from between Bear and Marathon Mountains into Resurrection Bay – went on a destructive rampage almost as damaging as it had in the fall of 1917. In 1926-27, the town finally contained the creek within a wooden flume. But the flooding continued. Finally, after a 1935 flood damaged much government property owned by the Alaska Railroad, a bill went through congress to divert the stream by drilling a tunnel through Bear Mountain. That work happened during 1939-40, and today L...