August 12, 2018

ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Friday night, August 10, 2018 – An event happened in Resurrection Bay worth noting in this Kent journal. Kent’s cabin was located at the northern cove on the west side of Fox island – at the northern end of that cove. West across the bay and a little to the south sits Bear Glacier around the corner of what today is named Callisto Head. Kent labels in Caines Head on his pen-and-ink chart of Resurrection Bay because it didn’t get the current name until 1930. On a clear day from his cabin, Kent could probably see a sliver of Bear Glacier’s snout. If he hiked to the southern end of his cove, which he and Rocky often did, he could see a bit more. If he ventured around that headland to Sunny Cove, Kent could get an even better view. He could see it best when he took his small dory out of his cove and risked heading a bit south – potentially dangerous in winter. The artist was fascinated with Bear Glacier...