ROCKWELL KENT WILDERNESS CENTENNIAL JOURNAL 100 YEARS LATER by Doug Capra © 2018 Early December 2018 ABOVE -- Kathleen, Hildegarde, the Fox Island Cabin The night of Dec. 5, 1918 the wind rages. “From the northwest it piles into our cove. The windows are coated with salt, and tons of flying water sail in clouds out of the bay hiding the mountains from the base to half their height.” The cabin rafters creak as they bend and Kent’s canvases hanging from them swing wildly back and forth. As chunks of ice fall from the spruce trees, the fierce winds hurl them at the cabin along with rocks from the beach. It’s so noisy that Kent and Rockie just laugh as they lay in bed. As they drift off to sleep, Kent perhaps relaxes with the thought that their first full day back on the island has been productive. They had cut more firewood that day so before bed they just piled some into the stove to keep warm through the tempest. He had painted, written and designed a...